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Hush - Fighting Fate #2 Page 6
Hush - Fighting Fate #2 Read online
Page 6
Mitch watched me as I struggled with my emotions. He actually looked like he wanted to say something, but was holding back for some reason. It was funny how I didn’t feel uncomfortable with his gaze this time. I didn’t know why that was, and I was pretty sure I didn’t ever want to know, because I knew the answer would only confused me more than I already was.
After what felt like an eternity, Mitch sighed and turned for the door, and with a strange sensation in my gut, I followed.
TJ was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes narrowed as I met his gaze, and I had to look away, not wanting him to see how distressed I was. I felt him scrutinizing my appearance, searching my hair, my clothes, even my mouth. The waiting eventually got to me and I looked up at him again. He smiled, and a shiver went down my spine.
“Want to drive her home, or should I get Pock to do it?” TJ said, all business.
I couldn’t hear much over the loud thumping music, but Mitch looked like he growled at him. “I’ll take her. Pock’s not getting into her pants until I’m done.”
Fear and anger exploded inside me at once. Realizing they were planning on sharing me around was sickening, but knowing Mitch was going to allow it made me angry. Then I was just angry at myself. Why had I allowed myself to think he was any different? I was so incredibly stupid.
TJ grinned. “Check out the strip on your way back – see what’s going down.”
Mitch nodded, then without another glance, grabbed my arm and marched me to the kitchen.
The little dark haired girl I’d seen with Davo when I’d first arrived was just inside the door, wearing only a bra. This time she was pinned up against the wall by one of the other guys, and she had her legs wrapped tightly around him as he pounded away. I was sure my face was as white as snow. I felt like I was seriously going to be sick. Didn’t these girls have any self-respect?
Mitch pulled me harder, thrusting open the back door and dragging me out to the car. It wasn’t until we were well away from the house that he finally spoke.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
What? Was he really asking me if I was okay, when I’d just been subjected to the most revolting scenes I’d ever witnessed? When he’d just pushed himself onto me, forced his lips against mine?
I wanted to scream at him. Ask him how the hell could I possibly be okay?
Clenching my fists at my sides, I glared down the tears that were threatening to spill, again, and tried to bite my tongue, but after a few seconds it became too much for me.
Turning, I shot lasers out my eyes at him. “Are you serious?!”
He flinched and his hands tightened on the steering wheel.
I knew it wasn’t just his question. It was everything, finally catching up with me. It was either I let it out with anger, or I let it out with tears. I preferred anger, but I also knew I was probably dicing with death, speaking to a known criminal like that.
“I’m going to go home, throw this God forsaken bag at Ken if he’s home, then I’m going to the party, and I’m going to get very drunk.” I enunciated every word through my anger.
Mitch glanced over at me. He seemed to be holding his breath. “You’re still going to the party?” He sounded surprised.
“Yes! I need to just…I need to just…” my voice shook, betraying me. “I just want to forget everything. I want…” I couldn’t finish. I was close to losing it.
“I thought you didn’t drink,” he said quietly.
I looked over at him. I honestly had no idea how to take this guy. By all rights he should’ve been angry at me for speaking so bitchily towards him. He should’ve had a cocky scowl or something on his face. He should’ve been damn intimidating.
But he wasn’t. And I actually thought I might even feel safe with him.
I shook my head at my stupidity. Shit! I was losing my common sense. He was a damn criminal for god’s sake! I felt like screaming.
When he stopped in the alley behind my house, I grabbed the bag and slammed the car door behind me, leaving him there without another word.
Chapter 16
I watched Kaeli slip through the gap in the fence with a knot in my stomach. I knew she was upset. Hell, the fact that she wanted to go get herself drunk when it was obvious she didn’t drink was like a flashing neon sign to the fact. I wanted to reassure her that it was all going to be alright, that I would do everything within my power to make sure she was kept safe. This was the first time since I’d become a cop that I felt completely helpless.
It hurt to think she hated me. I wanted to tell her I wasn’t really the bad guy. That it was all just an act, but of course I couldn’t do that. I hated to think what the captain would do to me if I blew eighteen months of undercover work for a girl. But I knew the state she was in at the moment was a dangerous one - not for me or anyone else. For her. I knew her mind would be in a state of shock between what she’d seen back at the house and what I’d done to her. It made me more determined than ever to put those sick fucks behind bars.
I planned to rendezvous with the unit later that night, to find out if they’d put any detail on Kaeli at school yet. I knew the Captain would want to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn’t do anything that might jeopardize the operation, but I just wanted to make sure she was coping.
Six minutes after I’d watched Kaeli disappear through the fence, I watched her slip out her front door, minus the tights I’d ripped, and head off down the street on foot. I frowned. She really was going to the party.
Tucking my piece into the waist band of my jeans, I quietly climbed out the car and slipped into the shadows to follow her.
The tight set of her shoulders told me she was still upset. Well, that and the fact that she had her arms wrapped tightly around her body and her steps were quick and heavy on the sidewalk. She’d ditched the jacket she was wearing earlier, and I now had full view of her beautiful, curvy little body. The way her hips swung as she walked had me swallowing hard.
Five blocks later she slowed her steps, coming to stop in the shadows across the street from the party. I couldn’t see her face, so I wasn’t really sure why she’d stopped, but after a few minutes she dropped her arms to her sides and crossed the street.
I settled down in the shadows and waited.
Chapter 17
It took me a little while to work up the courage to walk into Ryan’s house. I’d been so consumed with everything going on in my life that I’d totally forgotten the implications of me coming tonight. Standing in the shadows across the street, I’d finally remembered Corey, and the fact that he could be waiting for me.
I wasn’t sure if I was ready to handle that particular situation right now. I’d heard his ex-girlfriend was trying to get him back, and the memory of Mia’s run in with a jealous girl over Jace was still too fresh in my mind. That had ended with Mia in hospital in a coma.
Even if that wasn’t an issue, I still didn’t really think it was fair for me to have a boyfriend with everything that was going on in my life at this point in time.
But then on the other hand, after what I just went through at the house of horror, I kind of felt desperate for a little normalcy. It really was a no win situation.
A surge of despair shot through me. Would I ever know what it was like to have a normal relationship? To have what Mia had with Jace? I sighed. I was beginning to think not.
Steeling myself with a deep breath, I walked inside.
Mia spotted me the second I stepped in the door. She lit up so brightly I had no choice but to laugh. My shoulders instantly relaxed. God I loved her ability to do that.
She pulled me into a big bear hug, her soft giggles making it obvious she’d had quite a few drinks already. “I thought you weren’t going to make it! Do you want something to drink?”
I pulled back to give her an exhaustive look. “God, yes!”
She grinned at me knowingly, then dragged me to the kitchen, where Ryan was pour
ing a few shots. Amber was front and center, overseeing his efforts. She looked up at me when I leant closer. “Shots?” she said, mischief ripe in her eyes.
I pushed the voice of reason to the back of my mind. I’d never had a shot before, but I sure as shit wanted to try some tonight. “Sure.”
Mia gave me a worried glance. “Are you sure? You’re not really a seasoned drinker, babe.”
Ryan grinned like an idiot, pushing a few of the tiny glasses in front of me. “I am tonight,” I said, determined to blast my mind into an oblivion.
Mia didn’t say anything, but she bit her lip. That was speech enough. She didn’t approve. Oh well.
Without waiting a second longer, I picked up one of the shots and threw it down my throat, just like I’d seen Mitch do only an hour ago. It burned the whole way down. Tequila. Gross.
The thought of Mitch made me think of Ken, and the anger inside me reared its ugly head again. I picked up another one and slammed it down too. My anger roared triumphantly.
Amber smirked at me and pushed a third one closer to me, holding one of her own up like a toast. Picking it up, I clicked our little glasses together and downed it too.
Mia frowned at me, still biting her lip. I knew she was worried, but I really needed to wipe my mind. Picking up one more, I tipped it back and shrugged. I didn’t care anymore.
The burning liquid quickly reached my stomach and all of a sudden I just wanted to dance. Looking at Mia, I smiled widely. “Let’s dance.”
She looked back at Jace, who was eyeing me cautiously. When he gave her a slight nod, she smiled and stretched up to kiss him before grabbing my hand.
We half walked, half skipped back to the lounge room where a crowd was jumping maniacal to the beat of a fast techno song.
I caught Jace and Aiden standing off to the side, watching, their gazes intent. I knew they were only concerned about Mia. She hadn’t had an anxiety attack in a while, but the last one wasn’t so long ago it was forgotten yet.
About six tracks later, my head was starting to feel fluffy. My body felt loose and relaxed, and everything seemed funny. I was on my own planet, doing what felt good to me, and I didn’t care one single bit what anyone else thought about it.
Mia laughed with me the whole time, easing my troubles – even if it was only for one night. Every so often, Jace would appear with a fresh drink for each of us. Sometimes it was water, sometimes it was a cup of some sweet tasting orange juice, but each time we would hold our cups up and toast to some bazaar wish for my future.
A few tracks later, when Jace took our empty cups away, he reappeared beside us and took Mia in his arms for a dance of his own. I didn’t see Corey until he was right in front of me.
“Hey!” I said, immediately wondering why I was so excited to see him. Then I quickly realized I’d forgotten all about him. Whoops. I giggled.
Corey cocked a lopsided grin at me. It was kind of cute, really. I giggled again.
“Wanna dance?” he asked, sliding a little closer to me.
I bit my lip, trying to repress the urge to flat out laugh. What was wrong with me? If I didn’t rein it in, I’d be in complete hysterics soon. He took my non answer as a yes, and taking a full step forward, put his hands on my hips.
We swayed to the music in an almost hypnotic way, just feeling the beat flow through us until the song changed into another, then another.
It was somewhere in the middle of the third song when I realized my mood had changed. The laughter was gone, and it all felt way too serious. His hands had moved slowly around to my lower back, fingers splayed, tension high.
This new energy confused me, and I wasn’t really sure why. Pushing away from him a fraction, I looked up into his eyes. Despite the fluffiness in my head, I knew I was standing on a precipice. I had to make a decision: Retreat, or attempt normal.
Before I could think anything else, his lips were on mine, and we were kissing. The decision had been made. My body melted and reacted of its own accord, my lips parting against his, and my hands snaking up into his hair. Corey’s hands pressed firmly against my lower back, pulling me against him as his lips caressed mine.
I instantly knew this was the kind of normalcy I’d been looking for. My body had been craving it, but I still couldn’t help feeling like something was missing. It didn’t feel right. And it didn’t taste right.
Eventually we pulled apart and Corey exhaled with a grin. “Wow.”
I looked up at him and blinked, reality coming back like a slap in the face. The lust in his gaze paralyzed me. Everything, and I mean everything, rushed back to me, stealing the air out of my lungs. I felt like I was back in Mitch’s bedroom. Shit.
I guessed my expression mustn’t have shown the anxiety that coursed through me, because Corey just lifted his lopsided grin a little higher, pulling it into a knowing smile. Oh crap. What the hell was I doing?
Confusion, my constant companion, stepped front and center. Taking a small step back, I feigned a tiny smile. “Um…I need to use the bathroom.”
Corey let his hands glide over my hips as he released me. “Okay. I’ll get you a drink.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid! I grumbled to myself as I weaved my way through the crowd, trying to find the way to the bathroom. I reached the end of a long hallway, and opened a door that looked like it could be it, but instead found myself standing outside. Shit.
I sighed then drew in a deep breath. Now that I was away from the music and the intoxication of the crowd, I felt kind of wrong. My head couldn’t seem to keep focus on anything for very long, and my body seemed incredibly heavy. Why did it sound like such a good idea to get drunk? Yes, I’d felt pretty damn good for those few hours, but this uncontrollable mess was horrible. I needed to go home.
I didn’t even bother going to find Mia to say goodbye. I just tapped out a quick text then slipped down the side of Ryan’s house, and started for home.
Chapter 18
At exactly 12:36am, Kaeli slipped through the side gate and out onto the street. She’d barely gone past the neighbor’s house, when I realized she’d accomplished her goal of getting drunk.
She didn’t stumble and giggle like most girls did when they were drunk. Kaeli just had an intense focus about her, her body tightly wound as she concentrated on each foot going in front of the other. I wondered if it’d helped her forget everything she’d seen back at the house. Strangely, I hoped so.
I walked a little way behind her, on the other side of the street, keeping to the shadows. She’d only gone two blocks when I heard a faint sob come from her. Fuck. Why did that sound hurt me so much?
She slowed, then eventually came to a complete stop, dropping her face into her hands. My heart contracted. I hated the thought of her being so upset. I just wanted to comfort her.
Quietly, I slipped further up the street from her, then crossed over, coming to stand a few yards in front of her. As if sensing my presence, she lifted her hands from her face and looked up at me. I couldn’t hear her from where I was standing, but her lips parted like she gasped and her eyes widened a fraction.
“Mitch?” she whispered.
I watched her wearily. I knew what she must think of me. Even though I wanted to go to her more than anything, I knew my touch probably wasn’t what she wanted right now.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
I decided to go with the truth. “I followed you. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Why?” she said disdainfully. “Is TJ worried his latest mule might get hurt? Or was he just worried I might become a blabbermouth when I was drunk?”
“Neither. TJ doesn’t know I’m here.”
She blinked in surprise. “Then why are you?”
I shrugged. “I told you. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
She stared at me for a long while. I almost couldn’t hear her next words. “Well, I’m not.”
Her bottom lip trembled. I cou
ld tell she was trying so hard to keep it together. I took an involuntary step towards her then stopped, remembering I was the enemy. That was when she lost it. The tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall.
I closed the gap between us, coming to stand before her. Gingerly, I reached out and wiped a tear away with my thumb. Surprised flittered in her eyes for a second, then before I knew anything else, she leaned forward and rested her forehead on my chest, her hands coming to rest either side of my waist. I didn’t think about the fact that she should hate me, that she should be cringing from my touch. I just wrapped my arms around her and did what I had wanted to do since the first moment I saw her. Hold her.
After a while, she pulled away from me. She didn’t move away very far, just enough to look up at me, her hands still resting on my hips. The trust I saw in her eyes paralyzed me. When the hell did that happen? I was so screwed. The second TJ saw her look at me like that, the operation was going to go to hell. I needed to fix this.
She interrupted my thoughts with a whisper. “You’re not like the others.”
Ah fuck. “Are you sure about that?” I gave her my best intense gaze. The kind I used to the guys when I needed to show them I wouldn’t be fucked with.
She blinked at me. “Yes.” The alcohol was making her brave. “I don’t think you’d hurt me.”
Oh God, was I that easy to read? I opened my mouth to respond, but was cut off by a voice down the street.
We both turned at the sound of the voice. A boy, about the same age as Kaeli was walking towards us. Kaeli didn’t attempt to move away from me, so I didn’t think he was her boyfriend. He was tall, although not quite as tall as me, and was solid for a high schooler. He had medium length blonde hair and brown eyes that flickered nervously between us. The confidence he showed by approaching us in this situation proved he was probably one of the popular guys at school.