Hush - Fighting Fate #2 Read online

Page 15

  Unconsciously, I moved closer, until I was standing only a few inches away from her. I could feel the heat of her body against me. I knew I should go, get away from her before I did something stupid, but I just wasn’t ready to leave her yet. I hadn’t had enough time with her.

  Taking her hand, I gently pulled her to the passenger door. “Come on. I’m not ready to leave you here with him yet.”

  She didn’t resist. She just nodded a little and slid in through the open door. I took the seat belt and, leaning across her, clicked it into place. I needed to know she was safe.

  Pulling out onto the road, I drove. I didn’t know where I was going, I just needed to get her away from that house.

  A few blocks later, I pulled over to the side of the road and cut the engine. There were no street lights on this section of the road, so with the car lights cut, I could only just make out her features. Unfortunately though, I could still see the bruise on her cheek. My heart clenched at the sight of it.

  Turning in my seat, I unclicked my seatbelt and reached out to cup the side of her face, gently brushing my thumb over the blackened mark. “Does it hurt?” I whispered.

  Her gaze was locked on mine. She shook her head softly. “Not really.”

  Leaning forward, I pressed a soft, lingering kiss to where my thumb had been caressing. I heard her breath catch and felt her tremble. Fuck. I didn’t know how those two little things could make me want her so bad, but they did.

  I squeezed my eyes shut tight, my lips still lingering over her skin. Damn she smelt good. I fucking loved her scent. It was so sweet. Mouthwatering.

  Forcing myself to pull back, I almost groaned. She had her eyes softly closed and her lips were parted like she was trying to catch her breath. My heart tripped, going into some tripped out, erratic beat. Fuck me, she was beautiful.

  As I watched her, her eyes fluttered open with a slightly dazed look. It was so adorable I just wanted to kiss her. With a lot of effort, I reigned the urge in, focusing on the bruise instead.

  “I hate that he hurt you,” I said. I was a little surprised by the pain in my voice.

  Her eyes turned sad. “I know,” she whispered.

  “Will you tell me how it happened?” I don’t know why I wanted to torment myself with the details, but for some reason I needed to know.

  She swallowed. “It happened late Friday night. I woke up to the sound of something smashing and then heard Mom cry. She was lying at the bottom of the stairs and Ken was standing over the top of her, about to hit her again.” She shuddered and pain flashed in her eyes. “I didn’t really think. I just threw myself in front of her. I think Ken was surprised. He kind of knocked me off balance and I hit my cheek on the bannister.”

  She winced with the memory then drew in a deep breath.

  “Someone must have called the police because the next minute there were flashing lights out the front. Ken ran.”

  I couldn’t speak. I had so many emotions rampaging through me, I didn’t know how to control them. After a minute or so, I exhaled heavily, trying to expel it all from me.

  “I’m guessing you didn’t tell the police.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Do you think I should have?”

  How the fuck did I answer that? She looked so distressed about it, it almost broke my fucking heart. “Would your mom have backed up your story?”

  Sadness overcame her and she shook her head. “I don’t think so. I think Ken’s threatened to hurt me if she tells. She wouldn’t risk it.”

  I caressed her cheek with my thumb again. “Then you have your answer. Your mom needs to make the decision to end it.”

  She looked down at her hands in her lap, her lower lip trembling. I watched a tear escape and slowly roll down her unmarked cheek. “I know,” she whispered.

  I couldn’t stand it anymore. Unclicking her seatbelt, I pulled her over the console and onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her. I just needed to hold her.

  Kaeli curled up against me, her hands clinging to my shirt, and I heard her breath catch with a silent sob.

  Tucking her head gently under my chin, I kissed her hair. “You have no idea how much I want to go back there and kill him right now.”

  She pulled herself tighter against me. “Is it bad that part of me wants you to?”

  “No, pretty girl. No, it isn’t.”

  We sat there for I don’t know how long after that, just holding each other and listening to each other breathe.

  When my legs started to feel a little stiff, I sighed. “We should probably go.”

  Kaeli pulled back from me and I instantly missed her warmth. “I don’t think I want to go home. Could you take me to the hospital?”

  I didn’t think that was the best idea, but I understood her need to be close to her mother. “Of course.”

  “Thanks.” She attempted a smile but it only made her appear so much sadder. It made me want to pull her into me again.

  I expected her to crawl back over to the passenger side, but she didn’t. She just sat on my lap watching me, her hand resting on my chest. I wondered if she could feel my heart flying.

  “Do you have any family?” she asked quietly.

  Mitch didn’t have any family, and I knew that was the answer I should be giving her. “Yeah,” I said instead. I couldn’t bring myself to lie to her. “I still have both my parents and four older brothers.”

  She sat there quietly assessing me for a while. I knew she was wondering how I’d ended up in TJ’s gang. “Were they bad?” she asked hesitantly.

  I gave her a tiny smile. “No, they’re great. It’s not their fault I am where I am. It was my choice.”

  I could tell she wanted to ask me more. The curiosity was burning in those beautiful green eyes. Thankfully, she let it slide. “Do you see them often?”

  I felt the real sadness of not seeing them in so long wash over me. I shook my head. “I haven’t seen them in a year and a half.”

  I was sure the sadness on her face was a mirror image of my own. Her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke again. “Why?”


  I don’t know what she saw on my face, but she gave me an understanding smile before softly brushing her fingers over the stubble on my face, then she slowly leant forward and pressed a kissed to my cheek. When she pulled back, she untangled herself and climbed back over to her side of the car.

  Silently, we both clicked our seatbelts into place and I turned the car in the direction of the hospital.

  Chapter 39


  My head was a massive swirling mess. It astounded me how much confusion Mitch instilled in me. I don’t know why I was surprised by the anger that had come over him when he saw the bruise on my cheek, but when I realized he wanted to rip Ken’s head off for it, I couldn’t help but feel pleased.

  Even though it was odd to feel so protected, I liked it. I really liked it. Between Mitch and Dr. Miller, I actually felt like there might be some hope for my future – for my mom’s future.

  The practical side of me knew I shouldn’t feel anything towards Mitch but terror and hate. It was obvious he was someone who should be feared. I’d witnessed his fury twice now, and even though both times had been to protect me, it was always enough for my sensible side to remind me I shouldn’t be fooled. He was still a drug dealer, as well as who knew what else - probably even a murderer, but how could I hate anyone who’d only ever kept me safe?

  As we pulled into the hospital parking lot, I was surprised yet again when Mitch pulled into a parking space instead of just dropping me at the entrance. I looked at him questioningly.

  “I’m coming in with you,” he said to answer me.

  I wasn’t sure how far I’d get. Visiting hours had finished half an hour ago, but I hoped I could convince one of the nurses to just let me check in on her.

  Walking up to the desk inside, I caught sight of one of the nurses who’d been nice to me the night before. She looked surprised whe
n she saw me, but she smiled just the same.

  “Hi, sweetie. Are you okay? Visiting hours are over now.”

  I nodded. “I know. I’ve just had a rough night. I was hoping I could just check on Mom quickly…”

  I used my eyes to plead my case, hoping she’d be sympathetic to my plight.

  She gave me an understanding smile, her gaze flickering over to Mitch questioningly. “I’ll ring up and see, okay?”

  I watched her pick up the phone and talk in a hushed tone. A few seconds later, she hung up and turned back to me.

  “They’re just doing her obs right now, but they said you can check in on her for a few minutes when they’re done.”

  I sighed with relief. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

  “Sure, sweetie. Why don’t you go wait in the lounge? I’ll let you know when you’re good to go up.”

  Giving her another grateful smile, I went over to the lounge to wait.

  I’d only been sitting for a minute when the coldness started to get to me. It was always like that for me in this hospital. I don’t know why they had to keep it so cold. I shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Mitch asked from beside me.

  Rubbing my hands over my arms, I nodded. “Yeah. I always freeze when I’m here.”

  I was startled when he suddenly stood. “I’ve got a jacket in the car. I’ll go get it for you.”

  I went to protest, but he was already walking away. I muttered a soft ‘thank you’, but I doubt he could hear me. His gesture immediately put my practical and romantic sides at war with one another. Again. Everything in me told me he was a good guy, but my practical side just wouldn’t stop making me look at the obvious.

  As he approached the exit and the doors slid open, I caught sight of a plain clothed police officer, with his badge clipped to his belt, heading in. I expected Mitch to do what I’d assume most criminals would do and divert his gaze away from the officer, but he didn’t.

  My gaze swung back to the officer to watch his reaction. I didn’t know exactly what it was I expected to see – maybe his eyes narrowing in a scrutinizing kind of way, or a condescending smirk perhaps. It certainly wasn’t the flash of surprise before what could only be described as happiness I saw instead.

  I blinked. What the hell?

  Mitch’s head nodded infinitesimally as he passed, and the officer’s hands clenched and unclenched at his sides as a flicker of pain flashed in his eyes.

  I watched Mitch disappear into the darkness outside before turning back to the officer. His gaze was on the floor as he walked, but it was unseeing and distant, and his head was turned slightly to the side like he wanted to turn back to see Mitch again.

  My frown deepened. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they knew each other, but that would have to be impossible. Didn’t it? Well, at least in a friendly capacity anyway. The officer looked to be around my mom’s age.

  I shook my head a little. I had to be seeing things. There was no way that could’ve just happened. They were complete opposites. No. I was just tired. That had to be it.

  Just when I was about to convince myself I had to have been wrong, the officer turned and gazed out the way he’d come, and the pride I saw in his expression hit me like a wrecking ball.

  What. The. Fuck? My head was suddenly reeling, frantically searching for the meaning of it all.

  Why the hell would an officer of the law look at Mitch like that? It just didn’t make any sense. There just wasn’t a scenario I could come up with that would have a police officer look at Mitch with pride.

  Was I not seeing something in Mitch that I should be? I knew I was constantly at war within myself when it came to figuring him out. God, my romantic side was always fighting so hard to make me believe he was a good guy, but I thought it was just my way of making excuses for having feelings for a criminal.

  A wall immediately went up with that thought and I instantly pushed it away. No. I felt it deep inside me. Mitch was good. He was just in a shitty situation.

  Then something clicked. Little bits of pieces falling into place like tumblers in a lock.

  My breath caught. Holy shit. What if he was a good guy? Like, for real? Surely he couldn’t be? But it made so much sense. The need to protect me. The hate I saw towards Pock and Ken. It was all there.

  Jesus Christ. Surely Mitch couldn’t be a cop.

  I sat in a state of shock the whole time Mitch was gone. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it, but it made so much sense.

  When I saw him come back in through the doors, I almost panicked. I didn’t know how to pull myself together enough to appear normal. He would know the minute he saw me.

  “Miss Williams?”

  I turned at the sound of the nurse’s voice.

  “You’re okay to go up now if you want, but you’ll have to be quick.”

  I nodded, thankful she was giving me time before I had to face Mitch fully. “Thank you. I will.”

  As I stepped away, Mitch caught me, handing me the jacket. “Here, take this with you. I’ll wait here for you.”

  All I could do was stare and nod. Taking the jacket off him, I turned for the lift.

  Mom was asleep again, just like Dr. Miller said she would be, but this time I was relieved. I was too shaken up to talk to her. I spent the entire fifteen minutes they’d given me calming myself down.

  It wasn’t that I was stressed over the thought of Mitch being a cop. If he was, then I was relieved. It meant my instincts about him were good. What made me panicked about it was realizing the whole situation with TJ was a big deal. Mitch was putting himself in danger being in TJ’s gang every single day – and now even more so, just to protect me. The thought nearly made me cry.

  Giving Mom one last kiss on the cheek, I pulled Mitch’s jacket tighter around me, inhaling the scent I now associated with feeling safe, and went to find him.

  He stood the second he saw me step out of the lift and came to meet me halfway. I swallowed as I stared into the vibrant blue of his eyes. I wondered what color his real eyes were. Not knowing was kind of tormenting.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  It was amazing how differently I looked at him now. It wasn’t because I didn’t think he cared before. It was because now the doubt about his sincerity was gone, I could see how genuinely concerned he was.

  I gestured for him to walk with me, and we slowly made our way towards the exit. “She’s okay I guess. I think her doctor’s purposely keeping her dosage of morphine up because he knows if she’s conscious she’ll just choose to go home instead of staying to heal.”

  We walked back out into the warmer night air, our bodies so close our hands kept brushing against each other’s. I probably could’ve taken his jacket off, but I wanted to keep it on for as long as I could.

  “How bad are her injuries?”

  I could hear the anger in the depth of his voice. He wasn’t going to like my answer. “She’s got a few broken ribs, a broken wrist, and had to have ten stitches to close up a cut on her temple. Apparently there’s quite extensive bruising on her back as well, but I haven’t seen it. I don’t think I want to either.”

  I felt, rather than saw, Mitch tense beside me. Giving him a quick glance, I confirmed my suspicions when I saw his jaw tensed tightly and his hands clenched into fists. He ran his hand over his short hair.

  “Fuck. Now I wish I really did kill the fucker. I’m not sure I should take you home right now. I can’t guarantee I’d be able to restrain myself.”

  I shrugged. “It wouldn’t bother me if you didn’t.”

  He watched me for a little while. All those times he’d looked like he had something to say made sense to me now. I could see it as I watched him back. He wanted me to know he was the good guy. That he’d protect me as much as he could.

  I wanted to tell him I understood, but something told me it’d be best if I pretended not to know. I couldn’t even begin to understand the amount of stress he was bound to be under every
day. The last thing I wanted to do was add to it.

  He sighed. “Come on. I’ll drop you home. You might have to distract me from thinking about what that fucktard did though, or I might be paying Ken a more painful visit.”

  I dutifully climbed in through the open door and clicked my seatbelt into place. I wasn’t exactly sure what kind of distraction Mitch was thinking about, but the only one I could think of – probably because it was the only one I wanted, was to hold his hand.

  The surprise on his face when I clasped it warmed my heart, and the deep breath he took told me just how much it meant to him.

  Neither of us spoke for the entire drive home. I didn’t know what Mitch was thinking, but my head was completely filled with memories of all the little things that he’d done that should’ve told me he was one of the good guys.

  I didn’t know exactly how long he’d been in TJ’s gang for. If he’d been telling the truth about not seeing his family for a year and a half, and that was how long he’d been undercover for, then I had no idea how he’d done it. I couldn’t imagine having to live a lie, amongst such revolting people, for so long.

  Mitch pulled into the back alley behind my house and stopped at the spot he knew I had to crawl through. I knew he’d chosen to stop there because he didn’t trust himself not to get out and pay Ken another visit if he’d pulled into the drive.

  Giving his hand a soft squeeze, I smiled. “Thanks.” I hoped he could see exactly what it was I was thanking him for.

  The worry in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed. “Text me if you need to, okay?”

  I wanted to lean over and kiss him goodbye, but I knew if anyone was watching, I’d be giving him away. Giving his hands one last squeeze, I slipped out the door and through the gap in the fence.

  I saw Ken’s shadow through the back sliding door as I approached, making my nerves jump to the surface. I hoped he wasn’t angling for a pay back. Opening the door hesitantly, I tried to cover them up with a look of defiance as I walked past him.